Monday, March 20, 2017

Despite his bravado, it seems like Trump is a spineless wimp

CNN's Zakaria: We're witnessing 'The beginning of a power transfer from US to China' under Trump (VIDEO)

What B.S.! We're not fallin' for it

Trump Reacts To 'Comey Hearing' With Fully Insane Afternoon Twitter Blast (DETAILS)

How much you want to bet ICE had a roundup planned?

Immigrants Are Cancelling Cinco De Mayo Because They Fear ICE

Wow. They actually might have to work this week.

Congress Has A Busy Week Ahead - Comey Hearing, Healthcare Voting, & Gorsuch Hearing On Agenda

Trumpy's gonna' be SAD.

JUST IN: James Comey Forced To Expose Trump's #1 Lie - This Is Big (VIDEO)

Say goodbye to art, to museums, to teachers... to Sesame Street? It's that bad.

Here's what Trump's crazy expensive wall will cost VS the programs he wants to cut to pay for it

Saturday, January 14, 2017

January is starting off rocky with the hate, let's try to make the rest of the year better.

Pediatricians Give Tips To Teach Kindness To Children In Honor Of Dr. King

This *also* happened during the "golden showers" trip

Kata Sarka, Hungarian Beauty Queen, Claims Trump Invited Her For Tryst

Once more, we have proof that Big Pharma owns Congress.

Trump: Big Pharma 'Gets Away With Murder'; Sanders Pushes For Action

Her parents cut her off.

Teen Financing College With GoFundMe After Parents Reject Black BF FreakOutNation

Let her go, President Obama, before she’s at the mercy of Donald Trump.

Chelsea Manning Has Hope That Obama Will Commute Her Sentence

Connect with your inner peace through goat yoga.

Find Your Inner Peace With Baby Goats Through This New Yoga Class In Oregon (VIDEO) |